If April-May-June is the notorious floral season that creates spring fever in the human system, then what does one do when one has no time or energy to maintain and manage all the indoor household plants? After all, in springtime, everyone wants OUT. The Uttermost Company has a solution that will keep your home vibrant and flush with color and yet will remain easy on the house-tasking, for their large array of indoor botanicals is vast enough to enhance any room in the home. Botanicals can even be placed on a porch, sunroom or in a covered patio area. Whether you're seeking a large floral arrangement resembling a fresh delivery of live cut flowers or you prefer a zen-style basket with lushious green grass shoots, there's variety enough to keep even a florist-by-trade happy. One advantage to faux flowers? No bugs! Take a little cyber stroll through our botanical department and give a few the ol' house test. Safe for pets and easy to dust, this collection will have you happily flitting about your porch or patio - right into the summer!
What could be a better way to get yourself inspired to redecorate that stale bathroom, than to gloss over a few stunningly designed glass sink bowls? We've come a long way baby, so the saying goes. Porcelain sinks have evolved into stone, copper, wood and now exquisitely carved glass. Paired with a simple nickel or chrome faucet, your bath room could take on a whole new look, even if you cheat and only end up replacing the sink! Available in a multitude of colors, shapes and designs, glass bowls are an exciting new thought for any bath re-design plans.
He'll forgive you if you're late on delivery...but don't even THINK about opening gifts in front of him, unless you have at least something 'on the way' for him. This year, we have a close-out sale on couture doggy beds! Treat your best friend AS your best friend because you know he'll love YOU unconditionally until his dyin' days! Now...doesn't best buddy deserve at least one posh gift at least once in his whole life? Hurry...there's only 80 left in stock!
The world is round and in many factions of human society, the circle denotes completion, mastery and even globalization. That may be why we're seeing more and more circular styled furniture and rounded lighting options these days. One real treat fresh on the market is a brand new lighting department by Zuo Modern. Known mostly for their modular style furniture, over the years Zuo has managed to come up with some distinctive and long enduring circular designs, such as the round zen style b
ed, which remains popular to-date. However, this year they announced a new lighting series and lo and behold, one of their hot movers and shakers is a circular ball lamp that resembles, well....a modern flying saucer of sorts. As the human population downsizes and reduces product intake via economic challenges, people are beginning to get the fact that they don't really need alot of 'stuff' to be happy. And likewise, many are beginning to buy with a sharper eye - and clearer mindset with regards to how they are choosing to furnish their homes. Stylish simplicity has taken on a new appeal. In which case, round-ness is becoming trendy! Elitehomestyle.com has plenty of exciting new trends....so stop by and take a long leisurely look!
Somehow it happened, and no one's quite sure how, but SUMMER snuck right by and we're already flying into a cool Fall. Everything that summer made you forget about (such as having to heat your home) is now sneaking back into mindframe and...speaking of frames....did you know you can now get a real fireplace IN a frame and actually hang it on your wall? That's right! You can now sink quite comfortably into your living room couch and watch flickering flames on your wall, without having to call the fire department. Real Flame Co. has really put a fun new twist to the fireplace industry and their new flatscreen fireplaces may even begin to rival this season's football games. "TV tonight or flame watching, dear?" many spouses may ask their other halves. Depending on which half answers, we'd say it's a 50/50 bet that fire frames may be the night's choice!
You did it. You committed yourself for life....to ONE other human soul on planet Earth! Congratulations! And now the work begins. Where to start? What to do? Where to find all those 'things' that one needs for a GREAT wedding reception?It can feel overwhelming at first. But we're here to help you. We have the pretty party goods. We have lots of them! And we've got variety! So sit back for a bit and kick your shoes off. You can knock one more item off the list. Pull your laptop close, put a celebratory glass of champagne in your hands and peruse through all the happy favors you can bestow upon your guests. We've got whimsical. We've got spiritual. We've even got goodies for wine lovers. We might not be able to help you plan your event, but we can put a dent in the 'to do' list. B'cuz besides all the affordable party goods we've got, we've a whole store full of happy new home goods too!
Woof...woof, woof, WOOF, WOOF. WOOOOOF, woof, bark, bark, woof. Woof, woof...bark, bark, bark, bark, woof. Meow. WOOOOOOF Woof. Meow. WOOOF, Woof, WOOOOF, woof, woof! Bark. Yip, yip. Bark, bark. Yip. Woof, woof, woof. .......Meow. WOOOOOF! Bark, bark, Yip. Woof! Mew, mew. Howoooooollll! WOOF, WOOF! BARK, BARK! Yip, YIP!....Hissssssss......grrrrrr. Bark, bark, bark. Raheeeeeahhhooooow! ROW-ROW-OOOOOOOOL! Row-row-ooooooool! ROW-OOOOOOOOOL!!!!Bedroom starting to feel a little crowded lately?
Perhaps a little pet bed from Santa would do the trick.