Friday, June 26, 2009

Watch Out Pots, There's a New Pan in Town!

It doesn't matter whether you're a bumbling boob at the kitchen countertop or if you're Top Chef's next meaty competitor! Nobody wants to cook with a cruddy old pan.
Does your collection hang proudly off a bronzed designer hanging rack or do you still stuff the mish mash of 20 yr old embarrassing, flame stained, greasy handle teflon pans into the bottom cubboard? Fess up people. We know you do!
There's a thing called Redemtion that has a mighty satisfactory ring to it. Now you can dress up your kitchen with a huge array of pots and pans in a Peterpan-like spray of rainbow of colors, sizes and types so eye catching that you'll not even flinch at throwing away the ratty buds who served you so well for so many decades. Everything is so affordable these days!
Go ahead! Retire them. Make a birdbath out of one if you're Earth conscious. Just get those nasties out of your cabinets before the next guests arrive. Because even a bumbling boob can put on a good show!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Create Your Mini Burning Man Festival!

Once a year, tens of thousands of participants gather to create Black Rock City in Nevada's Black Rock Desert; dedicated to community, art, self-expression and self-reliance. They depart one week later having left no trace whatsoever.

The celebration of Burning Man's annual fire ceremony began in 1986, created by Larry Harvey and Jerry James. For the next four years, its annual fire party was held at Baker Beach in San Francisco.

Over the decades this wee little fire burning ceremony has become a symbolic refuge for hundreds of thousands of people who trek in from all over the world each year to participate. Perhaps you just couldn't squeeze yet one more vacation in this year. Perhaps you've got visiting relatives and can't leave the homestead. What's a home owner to do?

Create your own little bit of backyard ceremony with these personal sized burning stones. After all, fire is fire whether you're burning a stone or a stick man. Dance around your little fire. Sing songs. Roast marshmallows. Tell ghost stories. Do anything you want...just so long as it's of a celebratory nature. After all...summer is flying by and you don't want to miss out on all the fun!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Summertime Booty Call!

Nobody wants to admit it but the fact is; no human 'behind' is the same. Like snowflakes, our booty factor can range from mountainous to barren; as in the flat plains of Ehtiopia. And when a human squats or sits; whatever geographical location it might resemble, it's bound to spread even more!

Chair manufacturers never address the 'booty call' head on. They'll advertise with words such as 'comfort & style', or 'softness & affordability' but the bottom line is; nobody will 'out' the fact that furniture shopping is really, just a booty call! Booty wants to rest! Booty wants to feel good! What booty wants...booty gets!
The plain truth of it is, we're all so differently made that the only thing one can do when shopping, is to be sure there is a WIDE VARIETY of styles to choose from. Because when booty gets tired and wants to relax - that cute little chair better not ONLY provide adequate acomodations, it should also create a womb-like embrace that cradles us in the place it counts most - back there!

Summertime is the time to sit back and relax. For family members who don't share the same genetic features; at Elite Homestyle, there's a little 'booty soothing' for everyone!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bare Foot, Bare Wood OR Bamboo Shag!

Yes, yessssss......the Eco craze is upon us but that doesn’t mean we need to relinquish ALL creature comforts in the name of going green.

Hard wood floors, teak cutting boards, stone sinks and zero clutter living are all fine but what about the softer side of life? Perhaps once in awhile your world weary feet might just enjoy the snuggly, embracing touch of an unusually plush bamboo shag rug. We at Elite Homestyle have good news for you! You can still have your eco-carrot cake AND eat it too!

Sink your feet into a bamboo shag and call up your warm, fuzzy baby blanket memories!