If April-May-June is the notorious floral season that creates spring fever in the human system, then what does one do when one has no time or energy to maintain and manage all the indoor household plants? After all, in springtime, everyone wants OUT. The Uttermost Company has a solution that will keep your home vibrant and flush with color and yet will remain easy on the house-tasking, for their large array of indoor botanicals is vast enough to enhance any room in the home. Botanicals can even be placed on a porch, sunroom or in a covered patio area. Whether you're seeking a large floral arrangement resembling a fresh delivery of live cut flowers or you prefer a zen-style basket with lushious green grass shoots, there's variety enough to keep even a florist-by-trade happy. One advantage to faux flowers? No bugs! Take a little cyber stroll through our botanical department and give a few the ol' house test. Safe for pets and easy to dust, this collection will have you happily flitting about your porch or patio - right into the summer!
What could be a better way to get yourself inspired to redecorate that stale bathroom, than to gloss over a few stunningly designed glass sink bowls? We've come a long way baby, so the saying goes. Porcelain sinks have evolved into stone, copper, wood and now exquisitely carved glass. Paired with a simple nickel or chrome faucet, your bath room could take on a whole new look, even if you cheat and only end up replacing the sink! Available in a multitude of colors, shapes and designs, glass bowls are an exciting new thought for any bath re-design plans.