Your faithful old pot. It's been with you for decades. It's been through spaghetti-thin times and fat, roasty times with you. And it has a few secrets of it's own. Oh, if only pots could talk. Pot would say that it was used to save the leaky roof from ruining the rug. It was used to soak a foot when a child was stung by a bee. It was used to haul dirt, and even as a pail for scrubbing floors. It held a moldy casserole that you absentmindedly left in the oven for a few days.
It was what you used to carry the poor dead canary to it's backyard resting place. Yes, POT KNOWS things you haven't even told your best friend. Now that you've confessed and cleared the decks of your consciousness, maybe it's time for a new set. Start fresh. Create new memories. We break up with our boyfriends and husbands. You can break up with your pot. Grab a bottle of wine if you think you'll need help getting through the loss. But do it. Be bold this year. Put your old pot to rest. Bury it right next to the beloved canary. After all, it WAS a sacred ceremonial vessel at one time past, whether it was designed to be...or not.
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