Drink smart! Do lots of water. Not soda. Not beer. Not kool aid. Do water tinted with mint leaves from the garden...or with lemon or lime...or with green tea...or with ice and a cherry. Be smart about your water.
Cook smart! Doing a lot of outdoor BBQ's this summer? Remember to have a fast access source of water nearby. Even if some just sits in a kitchen pot right next to your grill. Better safe than sorry.
Work smart! Stuck indoors too much this fine summer? Refresh yourself occasionally. Step into the bathroom, take a two minute break and splash your face! You'll be amazed at how revived you'll feel!
Play smart. If you're going to lounge and soak sun all day by the pool, make sure you take an occasional dip to cool off your body temperature.
Water is a great BIG part of our lives. Taking a moment to be grateful might just amp up greater awareness as to how and if we are efficiently using one of Mother Earth's greatest resources.
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