No siree, when humans party on a holiday they go all out. And funny thing! They do it all together - all at once. Maybe the Hundredth Monkey Syndrome IS an actual scientific fact. After all, does anybody do ANYTHING different for a change during holiday time? If it's not a backyard picnic, or a jaunt to the shore cottage or an attempt to remain incognito as one snoops thru the neighbohood's garage sales - what else CAN a person do?
If you're not one of the lucky ones and you're limited to the backyard this year, that's ok! Just grab a few lounge chairs, a few friends, a few beers and swat knats all night. Lucky thing it's the fireworks holiday, cuz no matter where we may be stationed in life -we'll all be looking up on the 4th. Happy Independance Day y'all!
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